The general attitude towards moms that can't, don't, or won't breastfeed is pretty shitty in my opinion. I'm not saying everyone is like this. I'm not trying to feed the mommy wars. I'm just saying that it's pretty annoying when mothers put themselves above others for the choices that they make. We all parent differently and it's really not up to anyone to make me feel badly about a decision that's truly personal. We all have our reasons for doing the things that we do. We all try to do what's best, but you can't please everyone. That goes hand in hand with everyone always has an opinion.
The reason why I take special offense to this pushy little act of do-gooderdom is because I could not breast feed. I tried for two solid months and my body just would not produce. No matter how much I pumped. No matter how many times I went to the lactation specialist. It just was not in the cards for bub and I and he eventually picked the bottle. To be honest, that was completely fine by me. It had been a long road for us both at that point.
I first encountered this issue when I was reading a pregnancy book when I was pregnant with my son. I was all for breastfeeding and was really excited to do it. There was a little section that was aimed directly at people who were choosing not to. It said that you should just give it a try, even if it's not something you were not comfortable with. Just doooo it because it's the right and best thing to do. While in the hospital nurses would ask me what I planned on doing and I told them my plan and I got the oh so relieved response of 'Oh Goooooood'. Like I would be some kind of inhumane mutant if breastfeeding wasn't in my plan. Even though I was on the 'right' side of things at the time it still really bothered me.
I also can't stand the, "Well it's different for you because you couldn't.". To that I say climb off your damn high horse. I don't need a free pass from you. Nobody needs to explain why they don't breast feed to you. I used to feel guilty. I thought I had to justify why I was doing something that might make me seem less like a real mom. Guess what, I'm still a real mom regardless of whether I breastfed or not.
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