Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Letter To A Doctor With Better Things To Do

Small note before you read. I have a tremendous respect for those who work in the health care profession. It actually took some coaxing from the husband to get me to call since I didn't want anyone to think I was over paranoid and crying wolf. I'm just a mother concerned about her unborn child. I would have enjoyed feeling like I was even taken slightly seriously. Instead I was made to feel like a silly little pregnant woman who is too stupid to understand her own body. This is the result, a letter style rant that I am sharing with you. Enjoy.

Dear Doctor who didn't take me seriously,
    I would just like to say thank you. No, seriously, thank you. I really enjoyed feeling completely blown off when I called you with a legitimate concern about my unborn daughter. If you hadn't made me feel like the symptoms I've been having all day were the stomach flu I never would have known. I also loved that you pretty much told me that I don't know the difference between my stomach and my uterus. Seeing as you are a man, and therefore completely capable of childbirth, you would know what a contraction feels like wouldn't you? Never mind that this isn't my first rodeo and I know what 32 hours of labor feels like. Mind you 24 of those were with no pain medication. But you made it perfectly clear that since you have studied this you know my body better than I do. I only had 4 contractions in 50 minutes at the time that I called. I have no reason to be worried about preterm labor whatsoever. I do have to wonder that if it were your spouse going through this how you would feel. So I will listen to what you say and I will follow your orders like a good little doobie. Just know that I am counting my contractions and I hope for your sake that I do not have to come in tonight. I usually try to be pleasant but I'm not so sure if I could muster up the maturity to do so.

                                                A pissed of pregnant woman in pain.

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