Let me just start out by saying that my knowledge of computers is extremely limited. I will freely admit this in hopes that you will laugh with me at my own foolishness and not call me names for what could easily be described as idiocy. I'm also writing this in hopes that I can prevent anybody from making the same mistake I did.
So I decided to embark on making a blog (obviously considering what you're reading this very moment). I knew there was going to be a decent amount of work going into this, so I put my big girl panties on and got prepared. Or at least I thought I got prepared. I had no idea as to how to go about this whole thing so I consulted the all mighty Google. I found a couple of 'helpful' links and proceeded on my merry way.
This is where things get good on my part. Being so new to this and all I was under the impression that things had to be payed for. I don't know for sure if that was the correct assumption even now. What I do know is if it looks sketchy and you have to pay for it chances are it is sketchy and you should run away as fast as you can. Or in my case, due to pregnancy, waddle with a vengeance.
I'm not going to specify the name of the website that I chose, but let me tell ya I should have known based on the name alone. Anyway, back to my tale of derp. So I'm chugging along with this little website. I've got a couple pages set up, but what I want is a blog. So I hit the 'add blog' option. I get it all plugged in and hit publish. I wait until it tells me it is all updated so I can rush over and marvel at my own creation. Everything BUT the blog page works. After trying to fiddle with it myself I decide to take a mental break. While on my little mental vacation I discover that I can do everything I just did for free with the site I'm using now. FREE. MOTHER F-ING FREE! (Can you tell I'm still mildly bent about the whole thing?)
It gets better though, and by better I mean frustrating to the point of twitching and then actually better. After finding out this tid bit of info about doing all this free of charge I decide that it's best to cancel the account I had been working on all day. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. I go to the cancellations section of the website and its just a blank page. Well it's not totally blank, on the bottom there is a little comment box wanting to know if this page had been helpful. Hmmm, I'm going to go with a no. I end up having to call their customer support. I am informed that it's not customary for them to do refunds. After a couple of deep breaths and some negotiation I am informed that my money will in fact be coming back to me. That remains to be seen but I am keeping an eye on it.
If this is all in fact common knowledge and I am just a dope I am fully prepared to blame pregnancy brain for any absent minded decisions that I made in the beginning of this process. I hope you learned something from this because I certainly did. Has anyone had something similar happen? (I can't really be the only one can I?)
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