Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Noise Making Toys Are Evil Part 2

This is the serial giggler mentioned below.
The other day I wrote a blog about how much I loath noise making toys. I came to a realization that I left out one really big reason why I hate them. It's actually rather amusing how my memory got jogged too. I put my son down for a nap and dubbed around for about a half hour before I ended up going to the bathroom. Which is an impressive length of time for me considering I'm pregnant and I feel like I spend more time in the bathroom than anywhere else. While I'm doing my business I hear this creepy little sing-song voice from the living room say 'It's fun playing games with you'. I really see no way that the stupid thing could have still been on. Needless to say, if I hadn't been perched so gracefully there may have been an accident.

This is not the first time that Bub's toys have woken up from their demon slumber to remind me they're always watching. I've had many occasions where I've been getting ready for bed and I walk across the living room to turn off the light and this one toy in particular will friggin giggle at me. Seriously. The damn thing will giggle at me when I'm in the middle of the living room in the dark. It's fabulous. So I'll creep over to it and make sure I turn it off for good until the morning when Bub will inevitably want to play with it. Sometimes this is accompanied by a triumphant little snicker of victory on my part (mature, I know).

Part of the reason I was so surprised this afternoon is because they usually wait until nightfall to be little creepers. Bub is usually up playing with them and utilizing their intended purpose, which I have no issue with until he makes them all squawk at once. There is more about that in the previous article though. Not today though. Maybe they are just keeping me on my toes. All I can say is I can't wait until I can be rid of these toys for good. Unfortunately I have a long time to co-exist with them. Let's just hope their takeover happens after I pawn them off on somebody else.

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