Another reason that I share my crazy is that I've been looking to connect with other moms like me. I know I've said before that I am the first out of my group of friends to have a child. That leads to people not always understanding what I am going through even if it is a very common 'mom problem'. Nor do they always understand that when I complain, it doesn't mean I love my little bub or my hubby any less, it just means I need to blow off some steam. This blog allows me to do so in a manner that is humorous and truthful all at the same time. It allows me to reach out and talk to people that are going through the exact same things.
Those two things make up a big part of who I am as a person so why not set out on a quest on the world wide web to find like minded people? Another odd little component is that I like to make you guys smile, laugh, think, or any other number of things that will keep you engaged. I'll be honest, I love having my little corner of the web where I can say what I want, post what I want, and get feedback for it all. I do value your opinions (even if it is an asshat-like way sometimes).
I know I'm still pretty new at this, but so far I have loved every minute of sharing my thoughts and my insanity. I hope you all continue to enjoy it.
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