Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Encounter With The Overpriced: A List Of Budget Friendly Alternatives

As some of you may know, I tend to poke around online at the various parent websites and read the articles and blogs. I came across an article titled "10 Must Have Products For Baby's First 3 Months". Naturally I took a peek seeing as I will be welcoming another family member at the end of July. I usually don't feel strongly enough one way or the other to say much about them, but this time was different. What I found was a list of high priced items and all I could do was cringe at the thought that a first time mom would see this and get more stressed out by the price tags. So here is my personal 'get this not that' list for the items. There are a couple that I thought were reasonable and I will state my case as to why as we go along.

Her Item: Graco Pack N' Play- $199.99. The features on this pack n' play include a changing table, bassinet option, and a little canopy. 
*My Item: Graco Pack N' Play- $99.99. The features on this pack n play include a changing table and bassinet option. However if you wanted an even less expensive option you can go with the pack n play that only has the bassinet option for $62.99.

Her Item: Halo Sleepsack- $26.96. This product is essentially a sleeper sack that velcros in the front so it becomes a swaddler as well.
* My Item: Halo Sleepsack- $19.99. I found the exact same product on for cheaper.

Her Item: Sleepy Hat by Zoe B Organics- $16.99. I did not look for a comparable item for less because I really don't think I would consider a hat that has little tabs for you to flip down over your babies eyes a necessity.  

*Her Item: Aden & Anais Bamboo Swaddlers- $40 for a three pack.     
*My Item: Carter's Swaddler Blankets- $10 for a two pack. In my opinion it really doesn't matter what wrap your baby up in as long as they are safe, comfortable and happy. My son hated being swaddled so saying this item is a must have for every baby is an incorrect statement.

*Her Item: Rumparooz Cloth Diapers- $23.50. I didn't use cloth diapers with my son and I don't intend to with my daughter so I honestly don't think that I could give an accurate critique on them. I believe it is one of those sections of parenting that is strictly what you prefer to do.     

Her Item: Blooming bath- $40. This is a foam cushion that you put in the sink that is shaped like a flower.
* My Item: Cushion Bath- $25.99 at Also if you have no interest whatsoever in using a  foam bath there is always the Deluxe Infant Bather for $15.99 which is also available at Target.

Her Item: Enjoye Professional Grade Breast Pump by Hygeia- $289.
*  My Item: Ameda Purely Yours- $160. My advice for breast pumps is to see if you can rent before you buy for a couple of reasons. First, I had a very hard time breast feeding my son due to milk production issues. I gave it my all but he ultimately ended up picking the bottle after a little over a  month. Second, what exactly do you intend to do with that pricey piece of machinery once you are done with it? I'm not sure I would be too hip on buying a used breast pump.

*Her Item: Essential Nursing Tank by Bravada- $39-$49 each. Think about that. EACH. The author of the article also mentioned that she owns four of these bad boys. That is almost $200 on tank tops alone. Which to me is insanity.
My Item: Nursing Tank Top- $10.99 at Target. I personally think that the better option would be to invest in a really awesome nursing bra or two and just wear a regular tank top at a normal price. I did decide to be fair and provide an alternative.

Her Item: The Moby Wrap- $40. I did not list for an alternative for this item because they seemed to be similarly priced. Also, since this is an item that will be tethering your child to you, my theory is to go with what gets some of the best reviews since it directly involves your child's safety and you wouldn't want to risk a nasty spill for your wee one.

Her Item: The Mamaroo by 4moms- $199.99. I do have to admit that this gadget it pretty cool. Would I call it a necessity? No. This item is one of the few of it's kind so I didn't really find anything to compare it to. In my experience though a regular swing works just as well. The ones that I did price on ranged anywhere from $49.99-$239. 

The whole point that I'm trying to make is that it doesn't always have to be the biggest, most expensive item you can find in order to get the job done just as well. I feel like most women are like me and don't have a disposable income where you can spend over $1000 on stuff that some people might consider optional luxuries. In the end it is all about preference and it's really not up to me or anybody else to judge what other moms happen to purchase. I just wanted to make it known that there are more budget friendly alternatives because I know I am all about being budget friendly.

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