Monday, May 21, 2012

My Very First Rant. Buckle Up Lovelies

        The other day I was perusing through a couple of  articles on a website for parents and spouses. I came across an article that was written in response to "14 Things your should not say to your wife". I read through it, I found some of the things he said to actually be humorous. Others not so much. I will elaborate on that in a few moments.
         I decided to see what the original article had in it that made this guy feel he had to retaliate. I know my side of the genders and am fully aware of how unpleasant we can be sometimes. I was expecting a real hormone infused bitchfest complete with Ben and Jerry's and sweat pants. What I found was a bunch of things that I figured would be common sense not to say. Some were mundane while others were silly. There was one where I really thought 'you can't blame the guy for asking where his socks are'. That one totally applies to me because I honestly have a general knowledge of where most things are. I know the hubby figures it saves him time to ask instead of dig like a dog trying to remember where he buried a bone. I could honestly understand how they would deserve a 'Hunny do you really think I'm stupid or something?' from the male populous. But over all the list was harmless in my opinion.
        Back to the response blog. Please keep in mind that I am not easily offended nor am I over sensitive. Some of the things I found myself taken aback by really don't even apply to my relationship. I just thought the presentation was pretty frigging rude. Here are the ones that irked me and my response to them :

  • How do I look? Be honest- Do you really want my honest response? I'll tell you, and chances are you're not going to like it. You're the one reading the fashion magazines, you're the one who knows that cork heels are on trend or whatever. I'm watching sports. If you're happy with what you're wearing, I'm happy with what you're wearing — now let's go out.
I understand that this is a terrible question if you're with someone who can't figure out how to dress themselves. When I ask the hubby this I genuinely want to know what he thinks. I do care if he likes what I am going out into public wearing. I don't want him to be cringing about some horrid get-up I've chosen. I'm not tossing you a grenade nor do I want an official critique. I'm simply looking for a 'it looks good' or 'I'm not a fan'. If you think I look like a damn fool I will ultimately be happy I asked and got honesty.

  • Is the game almost over?   Chances are if you're asking me this, the game has gone on for a long time. It's probably very close, and there is an important play about to happen. You'll know when the game is over because I'll be very happy my team won, or very upset my team lost.
My response to that is pretty much 'Fuck you. If I want to know I'll ask'. Mind you I DO NOT speak to my husband that way. He doesn't speak that way to me either. It's called mutual respect for each other.

  • Not Tonight- That new show, 7 Days of Sex, starts on Lifetime this week. In it, couples are encouraged to have sex every day for a week to bring them closer together. Rebuffing your mate's advances puts up walls in the relationship.
I will be the first to admit that I think sex is an important  part of a relationship. Here's the thing chief, if I, for whatever reason, don't want to have sex don't make it seem like I am obligated to. I understand getting shot down every night will put up walls but if you make me feel like it is a requirement you will becoming a lot friendlier with your hand.

        I don't know if I'm crazy for reacting the way that I did. The guy's defense to the women who ripped into him in the comments stated that it was all just supposed to be funny. I understand that. I really do. His responses seemed more pissed off than humorous though. Perhaps he is with one of the fire breathing bitches that give us normal women a bad name. Who knows.

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