So a couple of months ago while the hubby and I were out and about little man decided he needed to vacate his bowels. This is usually not a problem seeing as it is an every day occurrence. Today was no ordinary day. Since diaper changes are pretty routine we figured we could change him in the back of the car. We were aware that there was poo involved and figured since he had already gone once that day this one would be small. Oh how wrong we were. Bub had, what I like to call, a blowout. My definition of a blowout is when the amount of fecal matter exceeds the capacity of the diaper. Needless to say the diaper was no match for this round of poo. All hands were needed on deck to secure this atrocious situation. He even got it on his socks. I have no idea how this was accomplished. After five of the longest minutes of my life little man was clean, stripped down, and hubby was sent in to a store to buy baby pants. I feel like our entire family is changed forever having lived through this trauma.
To make the situation even better, when my hubby went into the store for pants he also decided to get chocolate. Considering the color of explosion I'm not entirely sure what he was thinking, but I rolled with it. So we're driving home and his chocolate got a little melted. He goes to lick it off of his finger and he and I both have the same thought but we are both powerless to put the brakes on what he is doing. The horrid thought that crossed both of our minds at the same time was something along the lines of 'Mother of God what if that's not chocolate!'. I swear the moment went into slow motion as we both waited for what could have been a truly horrific experience. I will not keep you in suspense though, it was in fact chocolate. I later informed him though that I would have laughed my ass off had it not been. Of course that laughter would have completely been out of love and sympathy.
The picture you see is of little man on the ride home after the incident. He illustrated how we were all feeling that afternoon.
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